Health well at Loviisa, image: Johan Pettersson, Loviisa City Museum archives

Japanese calligraphy, plant colours and movement

Workshop & Performance

Workshop: Saturday 19th August 2023 10:00 – 17:00, Forum sali (Brandensteininkatu 13, 07900 Loviisa)

Performance: Friday 25th August 2023 18:00, Loviisan vanha terveyslähde (Hakalehdonpolku 16, 07900 Loviisa)

TAIDEKYLVETYS (Art Bathing) consists of a workshop and a performance, both of which have been inspired by the old health spring found in Loviisa in the 18th century, from where bathhouse culture started in Loviisa. Traces of the bathing history are visible still today. Our working group – Yukina Yamamoto, Tuuli Malla and Mari Mäkiö – has been exploring how water has been linked to thoughts and practices around healing and health.
At the end of our working process we will organise a workshop on Saturday 19th August 2023 10:00 – 17:00. The workshop opens up our artistic working methods. We will also organise a performance at Loviisan vanha terveyslähde (old health spring) on Loviisa day on Friday 25th August at 18:00. The event is free of charge and open to all, and does not require booking. The contents of the performance depend on the weather, further details can be found from the website closer to the performance time.


 The workshop will be facilitated by Tuuli Malla, Mari Mäkiö and Yukina Yamamoto. Tuuli Malla is an artist working with performance and installation, enjoying site-specific processes and drawing inspiration from Butoh dance. Mari Mäkiö is a multidisciplinary artist, who’s often working together with other artists or communities, combining different media from video and sound to ceramics and natural colours. Yukina Yamamoto is a master Japanese calligraphy artist with the  Shihan-i master certificate based in Jyväskylä.


Time: Friday 25th August 2023 18:00, lenght of the performance is about 40 minutes.

Place: Loviisan vanha terveyslähde (Hakalehdonpolku 16, 07900 Loviisa)

Free entry

TAIDEKYLVETYS (Art Bathing) performance is inspired by the place, vanha terveyslähde (old health spring). The old health spring led to a bathhouse culture in the 18th century in Loviisa. Traces of the bathing culture history can be seen still today. Our working group – Yukina Yamamoto, Tuuli Malla and Mari Mäkiö – has been exploring how water has been linked to thoughts and practices around healing and health. Performance combines Japanese calligraphy, plant colours and movement inspired by the environment. The event has free entry and is open to all and requires no pre-booking.


During the performance, we will walk calmly about 200 metres on cobblestones and earth surfaces. If you need more time to move, we recommend arriving at the performance site 15 minutes before the start of the performance. For the largest part of the performance, there is an opportunity to sit down. Seats are limited. If you want to make sure you will have a seat, please let us know when you arrive.

There is a small parking lot near Terveyslähde (At the intersection of Hakalehdontie and Hakalehdonpolku). That is reserved for persons of reduced mobility. There is also a bigger parking lot next to Loviisa Town Museum (Puistokatu 2), which is 400 meters away from Terveyslähde.

The performance will take place even if it’s raining so dress according to weather.


Time: Saturday 19th August 2023, 10:00 – 17:00

Place: Forum sali (Brandensteininkatu 13, 07900 Loviisa)

Price: regular price 80 € / children, unemployed, students & retired price 60 €

During the one-day workshop Tuuli Malla, Mari Mäkiö and Yukina Yamamoto will open up their artistic practices to the audience. The workshop content is related to Loviisa as a bathhouse town and the place, Loviisan vanha terveyslähde where it contains radium water. The vanha terveyslähde (old health spring) was used to cure various ailments from the 18th century to the early 20th century. At the workshop we will approach Loviisa’s history through Japanese calligraphy, natural pigments collected in Loviisa and body movement. The workshop is open to all and does not require previous experience with calligraphy or dance.

10:00 – 10:30 (30 mins)
10:30 – 12:00 (1,5h)

Yamamoto teaches the basic japanese calligraphy form -”Kaisho-style” by using the Japanese calligraphy tools: sumi-ink, washi paper and brush. During the workshop, the participants learn two Japanese kanji-characters which reflect the history of Loviisa as a bathhouse town.

Lunch break 12:00 – 13:00 (1h)
13:00 – 14:30 (1,5h)

Together with the artist Mari Mäkiö we will make our own inks from natural colour pigments and combine those, as well as brushes made from natural material, to the traditional japanese calligraphy materials. For the workshop Mäkiö has produced a Loviisa’s colour palette from the plant material collected from the surroundings of Loviisa. The collected plants have a connection to Loviisa’s historical sites related to the spa culture. We are combining the local materials as well as traditional calligraphy materials brought from Japan.

Short break (15 min)
14:45 – 16:15 (1,5h)

Performing artist Tuuli Malla facilitates movement practices which have been inspired by the environment of the Old Health Well in Loviisa. Malla guides the moment based on using one’s imagination on water elements. We are focusing on what the movement feels like. The practices have been inspired by “transformation practices” of Butoh dance, which is present in the workshop for example through experimenting with moving like water. We are also practising movement which mirrors Japanese calligraphy.

Initially, the movement practices include warm-up, individual practices and partner practices. We will have a short break in between. Practices can be adjusted according to individual needs.

At the end of the workshop we will have tea together.

Finishing by 17:00


Workshop is open to all and participation requires no previous experience in calligraphy or dance. Children (age 7-17) can join accompanied by an adult.

Languages in the workshop will be Finnish, Swedish, English and Japanese, depending on the languages of the participants. We will help with translation when needed.

Please note that calligraphy ink and plant pigments may not come off textiles in the wash so do take this into account when choosing what to wear. For the movement practice, it is good to have comfortable clothing you can move freely in. The pigments used in the plant colour-workshop are very fine and dusty, so we recommend you to bring your own mask (FFP-mask). You can also bring protective gloves for mixing the inks.

Calligraphy and pigment workshop is organised initially by sitting on the floor. If you prefer to write while sitting on a chair by a table, please let us know in advance. We will arrange a chair for you.

You can register using the registration form : https://forms.gle/nywcMuDZkfi9E7Xe9

or by phone through a producer Tiina Kuisma: 045-787-31473

For more details and questions, please contact Tiina Kuisma: tiina.kuisma@gmail.com


Workshop prices 

80 € – regular price

60 € – children, unemployed, students, and retired

The price includes teaching and materials as well as tea at the end of the workshop. Lunch is not provided but there will be restaurants nearby.

It is possible to cancel workshop participation and receive a refund before Tuesday 1st August 2023 but after that refunds are not possible. If you cannot join the workshop, you can also find someone else to join instead.


The workshop participants are not insured by the organisers so your participation is regarded as your own spare time. If you feel that accident or spare time insurance is needed, please take care that your insurance is up to date. Please let the workshop organisers know if there is something that we should consider in terms of health. However, your participation in the exercises at the workshop is at your own risk.


Tiina Kuisma

