We are seeking for 2 young dance artists, to participate for 1 month (February 2024) in a residency project in the small town of Loviisa, in the south of Finland.
The project, under the name “In Flesh and Blood”, is organised in collaboration with the local dance company Tanssiartesaani.
“In Flesh and Blood” will be a choreographic research that explores the topics related to ages and the contraposition between young and old, active and passive, life and death.
The final performance will be part of the Winterdances Festival 2024 (25.2.2024).
The 2 dance artists will be involved in the creative process and in facilitating few workshops for the kids of the schools and/or for the guests in the local Elderly Houses. Beniamino Borghi, founder of Tanssiartesaani, will be the choreographer and tutor of the project.
This residency project is funded under the Creative Europe program.
Loviisa is a small town on the southern coast of Finland. It is located 90 kilometres from Helsinki.
28.1.2024 – 28.2.2024 (32 days).
The travel days can slightly change following the needs of the artists.
Age: 18 – 30 years old
Place of current residency, provable by any documents (ID, passport, residency permit, renting contract): one of the 40 Creative Europe countries (see the list here: https://culture.ec.europa.eu/
There is no any restrictions for gender, body type, nationality, artistic background and nether for dance technique.
We invite to participate at the open call even people without any high education in dance yet but with a strong creative and artistic approach to find new ways to move.
Deadline for applications:
10.10.2023 at 23:59 (CET).
How to Apply:
Send an email to tanssiartesaani@gmail.com with a few lines presenting yourself and giving information answering to the criteria.
In attachment:
- An updated CV
- Written Task in PDF: Tell your thoughts (Max 2000 characters) about the collisions between different generations and different cultural backgrounds.
- Video Task (YouTube or Vimeo Link): an improvisation session of the candidate exploring movement using an inflated balloon. The improvisation can be inspired by the balloon as the physical object or imagining to transform it in something else. It can be taken also as conceptual metaphor for a more abstract improvisation. Just be playful and have fun with it. Max 2 min long.
The two tasks can ralate to each other. In this way we hope to evaluate the artistic drive in using body movements as language for expressing thoughts and for telling own experiences.
Payment for participants:
The participants don’t have any costs beside their own living costs.
The residency will cover the travel expenses up to 700€.
Furthermore there will be a daily allowance of 25€, for a maximum of 800€ for the entire period.